Saturday, March 12, 2011

Virgin Births Outside Chistianity

Virgin Births Outside Chistianity

The Zoroastrian goddess Anahita is the same as the god Danu,Demeter,Isis. The name Anahita means maiden. I’m no expert on the Sanskrit or Hindu language but im getting that the word hita in her name denotes the maiden aspect of her. A Hindi word for maiden(unmarried girl aka Virgin) is “avivāhitā strī”. Notice the “hita”. Hita is a feminine word. Lets look at examples in names
Hita (Hindu - Female) - Welfare, Beneficial

Mahita(SANSKRIT - FEMALE) - Greatness of a river
Anahita (FEMALE)- Immaculate, Planet Venus, Graceful
Conshita(SPANISH - FEMALE) - Reference to the Immaculate Conception
Conchita (Latin - Female) - Conception
Ghita (Italian - Pearl) - Pearly
Nashita (Muslim - FEMALE) - Energetic and full of life
Rakshita (Sanskrit - FEMALE) - Protected
There are many other Hindu names that begin with the word “HITA”. Most if not all are feminine names and describe feminine principles. This can clearly be seen by those examples.
Now lets find the what is the name Ana. The word Ana in Hindu becomes ud when transliterated.

Lets see what I got as the definition.
1. ud
1. mother of the ancient Irish gods; sometimes identified with Danu
2. a collection of anecdotes about a person or place

Hmmmm How awkward that they reference Mother of the ancient Irish gods. Lets see exactly who Danu is....

“In Irish mythology, Danu (['danu]; modern Irish Dana ['d??an??]) is the mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann (Old Irish: "The peoples of the goddess Danu"). Though primarily seen as an ancestral figure, some Victorian sources also associate her with the land.[1]

The theonym is of Proto-Indo-European age, and seems to have denoted a water goddess in origin. A goddess Danu is attested in the Rigveda, and also the river names Danube (Latin: Danuvius), Dniestr, Dniepr and Don derive from the name.

The Rigvedic Danu was the mother of a race of Asuras called the Danavas. A shortened form of the name appears to have been Da. This form survives in Greek Damater (Demeter, "mother Da"), in origin also a water goddess.[citation needed] The Proto-Indo-European *danuprobably meant "fluvial water, running water",
The genitive form of Old Irish Danu is Danann, and the dative Danainn. Irish Danu is not identical with Vedic Danu but rather descends from a Proto-Celtic *Danona, which may contain the suffix -on- also found in other theonyms such as Matrona, Maqonos/Maponos and Catona.[2][3]” -

Notice that the name Danu in morden Irish is Dana. The word we were looking for is D-“Ana”
Danu in India is the god of of the primordial waters in the Rig Vedas. In Greece she is Dameter the water goddess. She also represents the god of the harvest or grain a fertility god.
Lets examine the names of Demeter - “The Maiden” “Corn-Maiden (Kore)”
Her Roman equivalent is Ceres.
“In ancient Roman religion, Ceres was a goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility and motherly relationships. Her cult took many forms. She was the central deity in Rome's so-called plebeian or Aventine Triad, and was paired with her daughter Proserpina in what Romans described as "the Greek rites of Ceres". She played an essential role in Roman marriage and in funeral rites. Her seven-day April festival of Cerealia included the popular Ludi Ceriales (Ceres' games). She was honoured in the May lustration of fields at the Ambarvalia festival, and at harvest-time. She is the only one of Rome's many agricultural deities to be listed among the Di Consentes, Rome's equivalent to the Twelve Olympians of Greek mythology. Her functions and cults were held equivalent to those of the Greek goddess Demeter, whose mythology she came to share.”

Notice again that she is a fertility goddess.
They are all virgins and this can be proven that there was no copulation in any of their stories. They are fertility goddesses so it is highly likely that they copulated with themselves. In the case of zeus and Demeter producing Kore we will see. The god zeus is represented by wind and air. Demeter represented grain, water and mother earth. When the winds of zeus blew upon the grain, some of the pollen fell to the floor. This is demeter impregnating herself with the help of the holy spirit zeus. She then gives birth to kore out of herself in the process.

Another goddess identified with Danu and Ceres is Gaia.
Gaea ( /'ge?.?/ or /'ga?.?/; from Ancient Greek Ga?a "land" or "earth;" also Gæa, Gaia, or Gea;[1] Koine Greek: G?) was the primal Greek goddess personifying the Earth, the Greek version of "Mother Nature," or the Earth Mother, of which the earliest reference to the term is the Mycenaean Greek ma-ka (transliterated as ma-ga), "Mother Gaia," written in Linear B syllabic script.[2]

Gaia is aprimordial deity in the Ancient Greek pantheon and considered a Mother Titan or Great Titan.Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra Mater or Tellus. Romans, unlike Greeks, did not consistently distinguish an Earth Titan (Tellus) from a grain goddess Ceres.[3]
Gaia is the perfect example of virgin mother. She gave birth to
Uranus Pontus Ourea through parthenogenesis.

In the Hindu version of the myth Dānu was the primeval waters. 

"Dānu, a Hindu primordial goddess, is mentioned in the Rigveda, mother of the Danavas. The word Danu described the primeval waters which this deity perhaps embodied. In the Rigveda (I.32.9), she is identified as the mother of Vrtra, the demonic serpent slain by Indra[1]. In later Hinduism, she becomes the daughter of Daksha and the consort of Kasyapa.
As a word for "rain" or "liquid", dānu is compared to Avestan dānu "river", and further to river names like Don, Danube, Dneiper, Dniestr, etc. There is also a Danu river in Nepal. The "liquid" word is mostly neuter, but appears as feminine in RV 1.54." -wikipedia

 There is no record of her having sex to create the Danavas.

I only compiled the information give me your opinion and leave some additional comments that we can build on.

Im just being lazy today.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The True Origin Of the Name Jesus, Yashua, Yahoshua and Joshua.

The Name Yashua Is is a merger of the names Yah - short for Yahweh or Jehovah. This is Merged with the Greeco-Egyptian god Shu

 . The way that the greeks spell Shu is Sos and Su. This is the reason that the greek name for Jesus is Iesus  which is pronounced Yea-sus. This is the god Ie which is just another way of spelling Yah or Ja. Je. Ye. merged with shu or sos or su. Shu was also the first son of the egyptian god god Atum. He was the god of air. Just as jesus was the first creation of Yahweh. In the begining the word was god and the word was with god. The word is carried by breath. Which is air. This is why Yashua, says I am in you and you are in me and the father. something to that effect. Im on mobile. This is a direct connection to the story in genesis.

Genesis 2:7
the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

This is the breath of life which is air being sent to live in the body of man. When this air is given up the man is said to be dead.  For this reason the god Shu is show in depictions carrying the Ankh which is the symbol of life. 

This is why the name jesus is tied to zeus. Zeus was the sky god. king of the gods. He was also know as jupiter. Roman god of the sky and the father of all gods and men. He symbolizes the
element air. Zeus is JUST THE GREEK VERSION OF the e...gyptian god Shu. This is why Yashua is called jesus. pronounced as Yea-sus or Yea-Zeus. It all revolves around the god of air.

In the hebrew narrative, the god called elohim or el moved over the darkness. The son of god is the breath of life shu. This is the first son. Now lets compare that part to the Akkadian myth of Anu also called il. Which is linguistically interchangable with the word el meaning god. Anu existed in Sumerian cosmogony as a dome that covered the flat earth; Outside of this dome was the primordial body of water known as Tiamat. Enlil was the son of anu/Il. Enlil was considered to be the god of breath, wind, loft, and breadth. 

The hebrew character called Joshua/Yahoshua/Jesus/Yusha has the same name as Jesus and they are again out of the same story. Joshua is the son of Nun.

Joshua 1
Joshua Installed as Leader
1 After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide:

Who is Nun? Nun is the egyptian god of the primordial waters. Nothingness. Creative energy. Who was the son of nun? In some egyptian creation accounts it was shu and tefnut that were the children of nun. Nun protected Shu and Tefnut at birth and he kept the demonic powers of chaos (represented as serpents) in check.

In Aramaic, "nun" means "fish". Thus the Midrash tells: "[T]he son of him whose name was as the name of a fish would lead them [the Israelites] into the land." (Genesis Rabba 97:3.)

This is very interesting because in the Hermopolis cosmogonies of ancient egypt, all the primordial gods were represented by aquatic creatures. Fishes, frogs, and snakes.

One of the meanings of The egyptian word shu means to uplift. this is why shu is depicted with a person on bended knees with his hands in the air holding the solar bark.

This is what Joshua and Yashua did. they uplifted the god Jah/Yah/Iah. Which was represented by the moon and the sun.

Joshua took the place of moses who was the uplifter of Yah. and the keeper of the laws. the laws of god is likened to god himself. this is support.

From my research, they are copies of egyptian stories that predate them. This information cannot be denied.

The linguistical evidence has long been proven for the connection between Jesus/Iesos and Zeus.